June 27, 2025
Geertekerk, Utrecht
We are happy to invite you to the 3rd edition of the Glycoscience NL symposium on Friday June 27 in Utrecht @ De Geertekerk
Glycoscience covers a broad range of scientific disciplines. Glycobiologists are currently gathered under the NVBMB (Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), and Glycochemists under the KNCV (Royal Netherlands Chemical Society). Since the interaction of experts from both fields is instrumental for future discoveries, we have set up an annual meeting series to stimulate such interactions and showcase the diversity within the Glycoscience domain.
Our keynote speakers for this year are Clara Belzer (Wageningen University) and Sabine Flitsch (University of Manchester).
The program will last roughly from 9:00 to 17:30, including lunch and ending with drinks and snacks.
Please save the date! Registration options and the detailed program will follow later.
On behalf of the organizing committee
Christian Büll (Radboud University)
Noortje de Haan (LUMC)
Sandra van Vliet (Amsterdam UMC)
Marthe Walvoort (RUG)
Tom Wennekes (Utrecht University)