Becoming a member
Membership fee
The NVBMB is an open section of the KNCV, so you do not have to be a KNCV member to become a member of the NVBMB. Details of the membership fees of the KNCV and/or NVBMB can be found here.
The current annual membership fees (2025) for the NVBMB are:
KNCV member € 37.50
KNCV member (age up to 25 years*) € 5.-
Non-KNCV member € 50.-
Non KNCV member (age up to 25 years*) € 15.-
* Discount for members up to and including 24 years (on 31 December of the current calendar year).
Your membership will continue automatically each year, unless we receive before December 1st a notification by regular mail or e-mail that you want to discontinue your membership. You will receive a confirmation of your notification shortly afterwards.
t.a.v. Ledenadministratie
Loire 150
2491 AK Den Haag
To become member of the NVBMB, please fill out the form below.
You will receive an activation-email from, click the link to confirm your membership request.