NVBMB Speaker of the Year 2017 is Prof. Dr. Lucy Shapiro
12, 14-15 September 2017
Lucy Shapiro is a professor of Developmental Biology at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
By studying the regulation of the cell cycle, asymmetric cell division, and cellular differentiation, Shapiro's pioneering work has led to a deep understanding of the genetic and molecular processes that cause identical bacterial cells to split into different cell types. These are basic processes that underlie all life, from single-cell bacteria to multi-cellular organisms. Her ideas have helped to develop novel drugs to fight antibiotic resistance and emerging infectious diseases.
The developmental program by which a single cell proceeds to a fully-developed organism involves cell divisions that yield dissimilar daughter cells. Differentiating one daughter cell from the other results from differential transcription and subcellular positioning of regulatory and structural proteins. How this is brought about remains one of the most fundamental questions of developmental biology. Prof. Lucy Shapiro uses both molecular genetics and biochemistry to elucidate this question, studying a bacterial cell, whose simple life cycle is focused on the generation of asymmetry in the predivisional cell.
Prof. Dr. Shapiro will present her lecture at three locations:
Thuesday Sept 12th, 15:00-16:00 University Medical Center Groningen Onderwijscentrum, Lokaal 16, Groningen(Hosts: Prof. Dr. Armagan Kocer & Prof. Dr. Dirk Slotboom)Thursday Sept 14th, 16:00-17:00 Vrij Universiteit Main Auditorium O|2 bldg, De Boelelaan 1108, Amsterdam(Hosts: Dr. Yves Bollen & Dr. Fred van Leeuwen)
Friday Sept 15th, 16:00-17:00 Leiden University Collegezaal 1, Gorleaus bldg, Einsteinweg 55, Leiden(Host: Dr. Remus Dame)
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