Extended deadline for best PhD thesis Westenbrink prize: July 23, 2018
The H.G.K. Westenbrink prize was established by the Stichting Stimulering Biochemie Nederland (SSBN) and is awarded each year to the best thesis in the area of biochemistry and molecular biology in the previous academic year. The prize includes a charter and € 2.000, which are handed out during the fall symposium of the NVBMB.
Candidates for the H.G.K. Westenbrink prize can be nominated by their promotor or co-promotor. The board of the SSBN invites you to send nominations to the secretary of the SSBN, dr. H. van Ingen (H.vanIngen@uu.nl). The research described in the thesis should be in the broad area of the molecular life sciences. Please include a short motivation describing the importance and quality of the thesis. Please note that also non-Dutch people are eligible, as long as the thesis was defended at a Dutch university. A jury will judge the theses that have been nominated. The jury would therefore like to receive 5 copies of each nominated thesis.
The deadline for nominations for the academic year 2017/2018 is July 23 2018.
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